Welcome to Yuzu

Thirty years in, the web is still astonishingly underlocalized, even relative to native apps. Most people feel that their product is either "pre-localization" or, later on, that their codebase has become too complex to localize efficiently, especially as speed remains of the essence. In the meantime, SEO suffers, growth opportunities go unexplored, and global missions get delayed or eroded. With Yuzu, you can get the benefits of best-in-class localization while continuing to move fast.

It's well-documented that language affects Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Google itself says, "If you search in French, most results displayed will be in that language, as it's likely you want."

Meanwhile, most of the world doesn't speak English, and consumers are more likely to browse and buy in their own language. Customers are even willing to pay more if you give them info in their own languages, according to Harvard Business Review.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in our Discord. We are here to help you with any challenges you may face.

Finally, if you are a fan of open source, we hope you'll consider giving us a star on GitHub or contributing directly to the codebase.